…go find this:
My first geocache, “DeerTracks”
I brought my GPS home for summer vacation and had been playing with in on a quad. I’ve read about geocaching before and decided to make one! It’s in the middle of nowhere and you’ll want an ATV or something to find it (or a boat ride across Trout Lake and a short hike would work too).
Update: this is an image of the trail I followed to get to the cache.

In the upper right is the starting point at the intersection of highway 596 (Kenora to Minaki) and the Pickerel Lake road. Travelling SW to the middle of the left side of the image is where you follow the Pickerel Lake road. The vertical drop on the left is where you travel South on the Little Pickerel Lake camp road. That road ends in a branching logging road, starting to be overgrown in places, which meanders back East to the cache.