Cooking in Caracas…

I’m on day 3-of-4 here in Caracas, Venezuela: a short visit to a long-time customer, and a chance to say hi to a good friend who seems to always be taking care of me in South America, Mr. Francisco Lopez. I’m ready for some cooler Toronto weather, because it’s 30+ degrees here every day…

My camera battery was almost dead, but I managed to get a couple pictures. Here’s one of Francisco and I in the parking lot outside where I’ve been working (doh! I was looking at somebody else when this was taken!…

….a snapshot from the car of the road that we take to lunch every day (area is called “El Hatillo” – on the sign)…

…and a “legacy” picture of the “La Trinidad” hospital… where a coworker ended up during my last trip about a year ago: what I think was food-poisoning mixed with a bad diabetic reaction: talk about a rough trip for him!

Flying home soon, then my first track-day on Monday. Can’t wait!

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