Almost a month ago I ordered a RC helicopter that was the next step up from the flying-around-your-living-room models I’ve played with so far. It arrived quickly… but didn’t work.
Replacement parts arrived yesterday and went in this morning. Success!
You don’t have to be a helicopter expert to see that it’s a bit… um… unbalanced?
I flew around in the underground garage with the training gear on (orange balls)… until I plowed it into a wall. My fault: I had gotten lazy with the small heli when taking corners… by just turning it in a new direction and sliding around a bit wide (it’s light, so turns quickly). However this new larger and heavier heli when I saw it was heading towards the wall I did successfully turn it 90 degrees…. but that only left me with a heli travelling the same speed towards the wall, but sideways. You’re also supposed to bank it towards the inside of the turn so it starts to pull itself in the new direction instead of just continuing on its merry way in the direction it was pointed before you turned it. Doh!
Oh well.. time to order more parts 🙂